The shipper onboarding process is a four-stage journey designed to onboard shippers within the Orchestro platform.

carrier onboarding phase

Finalize order source (WMS, OMS, RSE, etc)Build integration between Customer and networkCollaborate with via slack channelCustomer is ready for shipping parcels
Schedule cutoff timePrint and certify testsReceive production credentialsCustomer is active in Orchestro.Ai Portal
Send email us to receive test credentialsSetup Webhooks to send order and manifest from Orchestro.AiFinalize rates and contractsSchedule cut-off time
Orchestro enables the testing environmentConfigure and map Orchestro.Ai networkIntegration is activated in production environmentView order data, metrics, analytics and insight.

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The initiation stage begins with identifying the sources of facility orders, which include WMS, OMS, and RSE platforms. A schedule cut-off time is established, determining the deadline for order submission. In addition, an email is sent to Orchestro requesting test credentials. Once the request is received, Orchestro activates a testing environment for the shippers to commence integration development and testing.


This stage involves building a robust integration between the shippers system and the Orchestro AI network. Essential components like label printing and certification are implemented during this stage. Webhooks, a mechanism for sending order and manifest data from Orchestro AI to the shipper system, are set up. The final step in this stage is configuring and mapping the Orchestro AI network to align with the shippers requirements.


Collaboration between the shipper and Orchestro AI, is facilitated through a Slack channel. Once the integration is successful, Orchestro AI provides production credentials, authorizing the shipper to use the live system. After that, rates and contract terms are finalized as it is a crucial step before activating the integration in the production environment.


With the integration fully validated and the contract finalized, the shipper is now ready to initiate shipments through the Orchestro AI platform. The shipper gains access to the Orchestro AI portal for managing their operations. The previously established schedule cut-off time comes into effect for order submission. The final step is granting the shipper access to view order data, performance metrics, analytics, and valuable insights generated by the Orchestro AI platform.