Orchestro uses a standardized Carrier invoice format for all shipments. This format is included as an attached Excel template (“.xlsx”) containing example data. The document accompanying the template details each field.

Field Specifications

Below is an example of the various field specification data.

Invoice Level fields

Invoice FieldDetailsData Type
orchestro_account_numberOrchestro’s Customer Account Number for the CarrierString(100)
customer_nameName of the shipping companyString(100)
invoice_numberThe number for the invoice from the Shipper sideString(50)
invoice_dateThe date the invoice was generatedTimestamp(MM/DD/YYYY)
payment_termsPayment Terms as set in the contract. It is the number of days for payment of the invoiceNumeric
due_dateDue Date for the invoiceTimestamp(MM/DD/YYYY)
invoice_amountTotal Invoice AmountNumeric(10,2)
currency_codeInvoice Currency CodeString(3)

example: USD

Parcel Level fields

Invoice FieldDetailsData Type
transaction_dateThe date the order was created. This is usually the date of manifest in the Carrier systemTimestamp(MM/DD/YYYY)
orchestro_tracking_numberOrchestro tracking number for the given parcelString(50)
carrier_tracking_numberTracking number of the Carrier for the given parcelString(50)
other_carrier_tracking_numberAdditional tracking number of the carrier if applicableString(50)
reference_1Reference 1 as provided during order creationString(50)
reference_2Reference 2 as provided during order creationString(50)
reference_3Reference 3 as provided during order creationString(50)
invoice_typeType of invoiceString (50)

(Valid Values: Regular/Adjustment/Claim)
service_typeThe network service type code of OrchestroString(50)

(e.g. GRD, DGRD)
zoneZone of the parcel used in the billing (as per the agreed contract with Orchestro)Numeric(4, 0)
parcel_typeType of the packaging of the parcelString(50)

(Valid values: Box/Envelope/Polybag)
unit_of_lengthUnit of measure for the dimensions of the parcelString(10)

(Valid values: in/cm/ft)

In - Inches

cm - Centimeters
Ft - Feet
declared_lengthLength of the parcel as received from the sender of the parcel/OrchestroNumeric(10, 2)
declared_widthWidth of the parcel as received from the sender of the parcel/OrchestroNumeric(10, 2)
declared_heightHeight of the parcel as received from the sender of the parcel/OrchestroNumeric(10, 2)
actual_lengthLength of the parcel as measured by the ShipperNumeric(10, 2)
actual_widthWidth of the parcel as measured by the ShipperNumeric(10, 2)
actual_heightHeight of the parcel as measured by the ShipperNumeric(10, 2)
unit_of_weightUnit of measure for the weight of the parcelString(10)

String (Valid values: oz/lb/g/kg)

oz - ounces

lb - pounds

g - grams

Kg - kilograms
declared_weightThe physical weight of the parcel as received from the sender of the parcel/OrchestroNumeric(10, 2)
actual_weightThe physical weight of the parcel as measured by the ShipperNumeric(10, 2)
billable_weightThe highest of the dimensional weight and the actual weightNumeric(10, 2)
base_chargesBase charge for the parcel is calculated using billable weight and zone providedNumeric(10, 2)
surcharge_FUELFuel surchargeNumeric(10, 2)
surcharge_DDASDelivery Area Surcharge. If the delivery address was in a postal code outside the standard delivery area. Leave blank if surcharge_EDAS is applicableNumeric(10, 2)
surcharge_EDASExtended Delivery Area Surcharge. If the delivery address was in a postal code outside the ‘delivery area surcharge’ postal code range. Leave blank if surcharge_DDAS is applicableNumeric (10, 2)
surcharge_NSCCNon-Standard Cube Surcharge

For example: any package with L x W x H measuring more than 2 cubic feet (3456 cubic inch) would be shared a surcharge
Numeric (10, 2)
surcharge_NSLCNon-Standard Length Charge

Any package with longest side measuring more than 22 inches and not exceeding 48 inches
Numeric(10, 2)
surcharge_ADDLAdditional Handling Surcharge

An Additional Handling Charge will apply for any packages that require special handling

Length > 48 Inches

Second Side > 30 inches

Weight > 70 lbs

Any article that is encased in an outside shipping container made of metal or wood

Any items such as a barrel, drum, pail or tire, or other cylindrical item that is not fully encased in a corrugated cardboard shipping container
Numeric(10, 2)
surcharge_DDIMLarge Package/ Oversize Charge Surcharge

A Large Package / Oversize Charge will be applied when a package length plus girth (twice the width plus twice the height) combined exceeds 130 inches or any one dimension is greater than 72 inches

Subject to a minimum billable weight of 90 pounds

An Additional Handling charge will not be assessed when a Large Package/Oversize Charge is applied
Numeric(10, 2)
surcharge_UAPKUnauthorized Package Charge

- Packages with an actual weight of more than 150 pounds, or that exceed 108 inches in length, or exceed a total of 165 inches in length and girth (twice the width plus twice the height) combined, as measured to determine their billable weight, are not accepted for transportation

If found in the system, packages with these characteristics will be subject to an Unauthorized Package Charge
Numeric(10, 2)
surcharge_UNDPUndeliverable Surcharge

An additional surcharge fee will be charged in addition to the freight charges to return package to shipper
Numeric(10, 2)
surcharge_DSURAn additional charge per package will apply to any package shipped during a Demand PeriodNumeric(10, 2)
surcharge_ADCRAddress Correction Surcharge

If the actual address did not match the original address that was provided
Numeric(10, 2)
surcharge_MISCMiscellaneous other surcharges

Any additional Shipper charges not listed under above surcharge types should be summed up and entered into this column
Numeric(10, 2)
surcharge_MISC_descriptionAny miscellaneous surcharge amount will be accompanied with a descriptionString(100)
PICKPickup Charges

Any charges for picking up a parcel from a fulfillment center
Numeric(10, 2)
POD_RQDCharges for the Proof of Delivery serviceNumeric(10, 2)
AD_SIGNCharges for the Areferdult Signature serviceNumeric(10, 2)
prior_invoice_numberIf invoice type is ADJUSTMENT, this column indicates the reference invoice number for the original invoice for the parcelNumeric(10, 2)
adjustment_reason_codeIndicates the classification code of the adjustment made, if invoice type is adjustmentNumeric(10, 2)
creditsIf the invoice type is Claim the credit amount will be listed under this column, and deducted from the total invoice amountNumeric(10, 2)
total_chargesTotal Charges including all applicable surchargesNumeric(10, 2)
shipFrom_nameDetails of the SenderString(100)
shipFrom_companyCompany Name of the SenderString(100)
shipFrom_address1Address line 1 of the sender of the parcelString(100)
shipFrom_address2Address line 2 of the sender of the parcelString(100)
shipFrom_cityCity of the sender of the parcelString(100)
shipFrom_stateState of the sender of the parcelString(100)
shipFrom_zipPostal code of the sender of the parcelString(20)
shipFrom_countryCountry of the sender of the parcelString(100)
shipTo_nameDetails of the ReceiverString(100)
shipTo_companyCompany Name of the ReceiverString(100)
shipTo_address1Address line 1 of the receiver of the parcelString(100)
shipTo_address2Address line 2 of the receiver of the parcelString(100)
shipTo_cityCity of the receiver of the parcelString(100)
shipTo_stateState of the receiver of the parcelString(100)
shipTO_zipPostal Code of the receiver of the parcelString(100)
shipTo_countryCountry of the receiver of the parcelString(100)
date_of_deliveryDate of DeliveryTimestamp(MM/DD/YYYY)
delivery_locationLocation of DeliveryString(100)

The base rate, surcharge and service attribute charges are as per the contract with Orchestro